Meeting of the Cross Party Group on Consumer Rights

6th February 2023 - Held via Meet

In attendance


Sioned Williams (SW)

Member of the Senedd

Luke Young (LY)

Citizens Advice Cymru

Tim Mouncer (TM)


Sophie Beesley (SB)


Maggie Kinsey (MK)

Trading Standards Wales

Sian Phipps (SP)

Communications Consumer Panel

David Beer (DB)

Transport Focus

Jessica Tye (JT)

Advertising Standards Authority

Rhodri Williams (RW)

Consumer Council for Water

Lia Moutseloun(LM)

Consumer Council for Water

Amy Dutton (AD)

Citizens Advice Cymru

Lindsey Kearton (LK)

Citizens Advice Cymru

Alun Evans (AE)

Citizens Advice Cymru


Presentation from WHICH?

A discussion followed which focussed on a need for better engagement by suppliers and governments/regulators to help individuals and consumers better identify support that is available to them and how to access that support and information. 

There was a further discussion introduced by LM on how we can better share and overlay data held on consumers in Wales to be more preventative in our actions to support consumers and households.


LY discussed the most recent data dashboard from Citizens Advice Cymru

English language link:

Welsh language link:


Discussion of the presentation from LY reflected on an established picture of need and detriment for consumers across Wales that will likely continue into the near future.  Specific points around the value of meters as a product for managing utility supply is being lost in the way that current suppliers manage them.  LM pointed out that for low usage households water meters were often a cheaper option than a non metered charge.


RW introduced the work that Consumer Council for Water is calling for around single social tariffs and how with the seeming reluctance from DEFRA to continue to commit to this there could be a loss of a potential extra £1.5million pound to water consumers in Wales.



Next steps -

The group to consider a question to Welsh Government  on what work is being done to promote social tariffs for consumers in Wales including conversations with companies and government information and engagement routes

Consider what work the group could do to raise the recommendations from the WHICH? findings on supermarket pricing - consider the group raising this with the ESJ committee and presenting the research findings to cabinet sub committee on Cost of Living.